Write a program find the reverse of any number using java
There we will learn how to find the reverse of any numbers. that number may have N numbers of digits.
For Example.
The actual number which is input by user is: 12678
the reverse number of that number is: 87621

Step 1: Import java.io.* package
Step 2: Create a class
Step 3: Define main method
Step 4: Input any number from user
Step 5: While(a>0) then Calc the Mod 10 and store in another variable
Step 6: Take another variable and multiple by 10 and add with Calculated mod value
Step 7: Divide the actual number by 10
Step 8: Repeat the 5,6,7 Steps until a>0
Step 9: Display the reverse number
Step 10:Exit

import java.io.*;
class addition
     public static void main(String rags[])
             Console con=System.console();
             int a,rev=0,b=0;
             //input in float and int using console class
             System.out.println("Enter Any Numbers to find the reverse of them");
             while(a>0)//Checking while a is not zero
             System.out.println("Reverse number is:  "+rev);
        catch(Exception er)


Enter Any Numbers to find the reverse of them
Reverse number is: 5821

Find the reverse of any numbers using java
How to display the reverse number of any inputed number
calculate the reverse of any number using java
Display the reverse order number using java